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Maxim Miloslavskii, a clinical psychologist specializing in behavioral approaches, trained in classical Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Schema Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP).
As a clinical psychologist, I provide psychological consultation services to both healthy clients and patients from various fields (neurology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, psychiatry, etc.) facing psychological challenges.
To ensure that psychological assistance is qualified and effective, a specialist must continually improve their skills, love their work, and apply only validated and scientifically proven diagnostic and intervention methods. In my practice, I always adhere to these principles.
2012–2018: Served as a lecturer in the Department of Philosophy, Psychology, and Pedagogy at Kuban State Medical University, teaching subjects such as psychology, philosophy, pedagogy, bioethics, and the basics of professional medical communication. Supervised a student scientific-practical psychology club and worked as an educational psychologist in the university's pre-university training faculty, focusing on psychodiagnostics and student counseling. Maintaining a private psychological practice since 2014.
2019–2022: Led the Krasnodar branch of the Association for Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy (ACBP), organizing training programs for mental health professionals.
Since 2020: Active member of the international DBT team (DBT-Mind).
2019–2022: Directed the Krasnodar Center for Evidence-Based Psychotherapy "Choice Point."
Instructor at the online school for psychologists "Psychodemia," teaching courses on schema therapy and personality disorders.
Conducts an authorial course on schema therapy at "Pure Cognitions."
Since 2023: Residing in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Philosophy Department, Kuban State University: Qualification: Philosopher, Teacher of Philosophy (2003–2008).
Faculty of Management and Psychology, Kuban State University: Qualification: Master of Psychology (2013–2015).
Postgraduate Studies, Department of Personality Theory and General Psychology, Kuban State University (2015–2019).
Professional Retraining in Medical (Clinical) Psychology, V.M. Bekhterev National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology (St. Petersburg) (2016–2018).
Advanced Training Program in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy, V.M. Bekhterev National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology (St. Petersburg), course by E.V. Vorobyev (2017–2018).
International Certification Program in Schema Therapy, Moscow Institute of Schema Therapy (MIST) and A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry (MSUMD) (2018–2019).
Basic Course in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Center for Contextual Psychotherapy, N. Chernov (2019).
Workshop on Schema Therapy for Eating Disorders by Susan Simpson, MIST (2020).
Workshop on Addressing Sexual Issues through Schema Therapy, MIST (2020).
Advanced Training Program in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy (ACBP) (2020–2022).
Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) Training by Paolo Gomes (Brazil-Ukraine) (2020).
Introduction to the Unified Transdiagnostic Protocol by D. Barlow (ACBP), D. Moskovchenko (2020).
Group Schema Therapy Training (Joan Farrell, Ida Shaw, Maria Galimzyanova, Paul Kasyanik) (USA) (2020).
DBT Skills Online Course on Psychwire (2020).
Complicated Grief Therapy (ACBP) (2020).
Certification Course in DBT (DBT-Russia & Linehan Institute) (2021).
Webinar by Eckhard Roediger "Developing the Healthy Adult Mode through Contextual Schema Therapy," MIST (2021).
Schema Therapy and Self-Care (M.F. van Vreeswijk) (2021).
Evidence-Based Psychiatry and Psychotherapy: Principles, Foundations, and Controversies (MHC School) (2022).
Advanced Course in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) by E. Dashkova, O. Turchinskaya (Krasnodar, CHOICE POINT) (2022).
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Complex PTSD (C-PTSD) by A. Kameniukin, ACBP (2022).
ACBS Pre-Conference Workshop: "Here, Now, and Between Us: Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) and the Power of the Therapeutic Relationship" by Mavis Tsai, Ph.D., Sarah Sullivan-Singh, Ph.D., Barbara Kohlenberg, Ph.D., Amanda Muñoz Martínez, Ph.D., Daniel Maitland, Ph.D. (Argentina) (2024).

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