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DBT Skills Training: Take Control of Your Life
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a modern and effective approach to psychotherapy, designed to help individuals struggling with emotional regulation, impulsive behavior, and interpersonal relationships. DBT is especially effective for conditions such as borderline personality disorder, self-harming tendencies, suicidal ideation, depression, and eating disorders.
DBT Skills Training is a practical program aimed at teaching specific strategies and techniques to help you:
Regulate your emotions: Learn to recognize and manage your emotions while avoiding emotional outbursts.
Control impulsive behavior: Understand the triggers for impulsive actions and learn to make more thoughtful decisions.
Build healthier relationships: Improve communication with others and learn how to resolve conflicts effectively.
Enhance mindfulness: Learn to live in the present moment and accept yourself and your life.
Develop stress tolerance: Learn how to cope with difficult situations and increase your resilience to stress.
Who Can Benefit from DBT Skills Training?
DBT training is beneficial if you:
Experience frequent and intense emotional fluctuations.
Struggle to control impulsive behaviors.
Want to overcome self-harming and life-threatening behaviors.
Aim to reduce suicidal risk.
Suffer from chronic anxiety or depression.
Face challenges in interpersonal relationships.
Have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder or other emotional regulation disorders.
How Does the Training Work?
DBT Skills Training is conducted in a group setting online via the ZOOM platform and includes:
Theoretical sessions: Learn about DBT principles and gain a deeper understanding of your emotions and behavior.
Practical exercises: Practice new skills in a safe and supportive group atmosphere.
Homework assignments: Reinforce your skills through exercises completed between sessions.
Modules of DBT Skills Training and Their Sequence
DBT Skills Training is typically structured into several modules, each focusing on a specific skill set. The sequence of modules may vary depending on when you join the program:
Module: Mindfulness
This module focuses on developing the ability to be present in the moment without judgment or evaluation. Participants learn to observe their thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations, concentrate on them, and accept them nonjudgmentally. -
Module: Distress Tolerance Skills
In this module, participants learn to handle intense emotions and uncomfortable situations without resorting to destructive behaviors. Skills developed include accepting reality as it is, relaxation techniques, self-soothing, and crisis prevention strategies. -
Module: Emotional Regulation
This module focuses on identifying, understanding, and altering emotions. Participants learn to recognize their emotions, adjust their intensity, and solve problems effectively. -
Module: Interpersonal Effectiveness
In this module, participants develop effective communication skills, conflict resolution techniques, and strategies for building healthy relationships. They learn to express their needs and feelings, resolve conflicts constructively, and build and maintain close connections.
Organizational Information:
The training is led by two experienced specialists simultaneously in russian lenguage.
Duration: 24 weeks. Sessions are held online via ZOOM every Wednesday from 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM Moscow Time.
Cost: 2,500 RUB per session, with payment required in advance for every 4 weeks (10,000 RUB).
Requirements for participation: Must be 18 years or older, actively engaged in individual therapy with a DBT-informed specialist, and complete a pre-screening interview with the trainers.
Ведущие группы тренинга навыков:

Максим Милославский
Клинический психолог, КПТ и ДБТ-трапевт, схема-терапевт, преподаватель.
Проверьте себя: подходит ли вам тренинг навыков ДБТ?
Тренинг рекомендован, если вы столкнулись со следующими проблемами:
Эмоциональная нестабильность.
Сильный страх быть покинутым.
Импульсивное поведение (например, злоупотребление веществами, беспорядочные половые связи, азартные игры).
Самоповреждающее поведение (например, порезы, ожоги).
Повторяющиеся мысли о суициде
Попытки суицида.
Трудности с установлением и поддержанием близких отношений.
Частые необдуманные поступки, о которых потом жалеете
Неконтролируемый гнев.
Трудности в управлении стрессом.
Физическое самоповреждение (порезы, царапины, удары по себе).
Рискованное поведение, угрожающее жизни или здоровью.
Симптомы ПТСР, особенно если они сопровождаются трудностями в регуляции эмоций и импульсивным поведением.
Компульсивное переедание.
Зависимость от алкоголя или наркотиков, сопровождающаяся нарушением самоконтроля.
Депрессивные эпизоды, сопровождающиеся повышенной раздражительностью или суицидальными мыслями.
Переживание слишком интенсивных, навязчивых или слишком длительных нежелательных для вас самих эмоций
Повторяющиеся конфликты в отношениях.
Трудности в поддержании устойчивых и надежных контактов с окружающими.
Зависимость от азартных игр.
Компульсивное поведение.
*Этот чек-лист следует использовать как ориентир. Для точного определения показаний к ДБТ рекомендуется провести полноценную клиническую оценку, например, с использованием интервью и тестирования, соответствующего диагностическим критериям (DSM-5 или ICD-11).

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